Directional felling is a specific tree felling technique in which the operator determines the direction of fall before cutting. Whenever possible, trees should be felled in the direction of existing crown hollows to reduce damage to nearby standing timber. In general, trees should be felled towards or away from the skid tracks, preferably at an oblique angle to the yaw direction. Felling away from the skating rink will reduce problems for the extraction equipment when the treetops are large, while logging towards the skating rink can substantially reduce the extraction distance. When it comes to forestry, there are two aspects of organization: line organization and pyramid organization.
Line organization is when all staff are sitting on a line that proceeds descending, while pyramid organization is when the Chief sits on top and his subordinates down. In order to determine a yield for a forest management unit or part of it (a logging series), it is necessary to collect relevant population and tree size data from a CFI. Felling season can influence regrowth, and while there are some variations between species, stem survival and initial number and growth of new shoots have generally been found to be better when trees are cut during the dormant season. Otherwise, felled trees are burned, chipped, peeled and barked, or treated by solarization. Sanitation involves the identification of trees infested by bark beetles and subsequent felling and removal or treatment to destroy adults and young under the bark, thus reducing their populations.
This is usually achieved by maintaining a 30 m (98.4 ft) wide corridor that connects clearcut sections with natural areas such as riparian communities or stands with a high proportion of oak trees. This approach is used in the dominant mountain forest concessions of dipterocarps in Indonesia, where n, the logging cycle, is 35 years. Additional effects of logging on canopy mammals include cutting down important fruitful species, increasing access for hunters, and loss of forest structural complexity. Felling only when the market is ready to receive the product can avoid the risk of massive outbreaks of pests such as bark beetles and longhorns. In this case, there is no actual final felling and regeneration occurs naturally when trees are cut down from the dominant layer. Unfortunately, secondary forests are becoming increasingly important in the Amazon due to the amount of logging of primary forests that are being carried out.
When the polycyclic silvicultural system is applied in an irregular age forest, the Annual Cutting Area (ACA) can be derived by dividing the area of the net productive forest equally according to the duration, in years, of the logging cycle. In this case, the clear felling treatment is called a group selection harvest followed by immediate replanting. A logging series or coupe area is an area where trees that are commonly part of an annual succession have been cut, are being cut or are going to be cut. In a felling series, felling was carried out in such a way that in each year one tree was cut down until tree Z was felled in year 100.